
Who We Are
FRANCESCO MARCHETTI: A full time Roman musician born in '72 who has been working for more than 30 years in the field of movies and audio-visual in general. He compose, orchestrates, realizes and conduct soundtracks for many important Italian and foreign directors. Among his most important collaborations we find Fausto Brizzi ("Ex", "Femmine contro Malchi", "Malchi contro Femmine" and others), Neri Parenti ("Una Vacanza su Marte" and many others), John Real ("Obsessio" presented at the Venice Film Festival, "Breath" currently in Cannes, "Feel the Dead" currently scheduled on Fox Asia), Maurizio De Angelis ("Svegliati amore mio", "Titanic-birth of a legend" on Sky and others), Alessandro Molinari ( "L'apetta Giulia", "Addio al Nubilato" and many others), Bruno Zambrini (author of "In gionocchio da te" (fetaured on "Parasite"), "La Bambola", "Un mondo d'amore" and many other great italian hits)
He oversaw the orchestrations for the Youth Jubilee in 2000 in Tor Vergata (Rome) in the presence of the Pope and in front of an audience of 2 million people. He has worked for Disney, Andrew Lloydd Webber, Vangelis and for some official Harry Potter publications to name the most important international collaborations. He currently lives in Castelnuovo di Porto (Rome) and works tirelessly, even as a masterclass teacher of "Film Music" for the Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome.
ROBERT STEINER: Robert is a musical theater performer turned author and producer. He works as a motion picture/series actor and as a voiceover artist for over twenty-five years. His innate sense of belonging drives him to convince his musical theater partner Francesco to utilise this song from one of their musicals as an anthem to promote global patriotism. Robert's philosophy is that we don't belong to single man-made States, but to a universal family called "mankind". We need to all work together to destroy the walls built around us by those who wish to have supremacy over our thoughts and actions. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our children, we owe it to our world.
Who We Inspired
This uplifting and patriotic tune has inspired the International Covid Summit to adopt it as its official anthem during their conferences. It has already been played numerous times during rallies and conferences worldwide and continues creating a spirit of brotherhood and camaraderie among those who listen with their heart.
Feel free to use it during your rallies, conferences, meetings or just to raise your own spirits when you feel society is not as united as you'd like it to be. Let it inspire others to pool together and bring freedom to the world.
The authors wish to dedicate this anthem to all those who fight tyranny and those who have given their lives to help the weak. Mqy their souls soar among these notes.

Feel free to use the video of the song during your live events.